
We're happy to announce ...

July 11, 2023

Meet Robert Moschner

Never stop learning because life never stops teaching. I work hard to continually improve my knowledge and challenge myself.
June 28, 2023

Logistics giant Speed Group chooses GO+

Speed Group saw a need for flexibility and shorter lead times in the sector and have now chosen TicTac’s LMS GO+ to train their employees.
June 14, 2023

Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation invests in Articulate

Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation has now selected the award-winning Articulate 360 to create its very own e-learning courses.
May 30, 2023

Leading consultancy firm Plantvision chooses Docebo!

The Docebo LMS enables Plantvision to offer their staff an advanced system for coordinating employee training and information.
May 17, 2023

Welcoming Bankgirot to GO+

GO+ will provide Bankgirot with a flexible and effective solution to train its employees.
May 10, 2023

The future of HR at HR Tech in Oslo

What does the workplace of the future really look like? Visit us at our stand to talk about how you can use e-learning to develop and maintain skills.
April 25, 2023

How to choose the right training model

Keep in mind that every training programme has different goals, and that it may be necessary to adapt or change the training model to suit your specific needs.
April 25, 2023

Norwegian firm Sticos chooses Docebo LMS!

Sticos has chosen TicTac Learn and Docebo as LMS providers for simple and efficient training.

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