L&D strategy

Architects at work

Analysis & Planning

Are you a learning organization?

The answer can be found by asking your employees the right questions and by looking at key indicators. To succeed in building an organization where knowledge is generated and shared as a natural part of doing business, the environment and the culture need to enable this. Again, turn to your employees to gauge your culture.

Collaborative learning tools and processes are helpful, as is an infrastructure to support knowledge sharing. We can help set the wheels in motion for moving in the right direction and for making lasting choices, for instance by designing and evaluating questionnaires or through a needs assessment workshop.

Your learning environment

Finding a strategy forward is a discussion where you – as much as we – contribute our respective expertise and viewpoints on the options. Your learning environment should be uniquely yours and resonate with your organizational culture. Cost, time and completion requirements set the framework for the strategy.

Your learning strategy will likely include several of the following:

  • A learning management system (LMS)
  • Tracking, reporting and certification possibilities
  • Competence goals for the organization, for the job roles and for the individuals
  • Development and management of resources (learning modules, trainers, mentors, discussion forums)
  • Learning journeys for individuals, for roles and/or for career paths, with corresponding allocation of resources
  • Feedback and assessment routines for continuous improvement  
  • Authoring tools for creating digital learning

The importance of infrastructure

If you are looking at hosting more than a few learning modules, it’s wise to consider an LMS, or platform, where you place your resources and allocate them to users. The platform allows you to monitor progress, see results and draw statistics.

Investing in a platform is a big issue. We can help you choose an LMS based on your needs and budget. We install and set it up for you, including migration of old data when needed. And of course your team will have access to training and support in managing it.

Optional infrastructure includes authoring tools. They are necessary if you wish to create digital learning modules yourselves. We would happily engage in a discussion about available tools and how to go about creating digital learning.

A pedagogical analysis

With the infrastructure in place, it’s time to look closely at the framework for creating learning. We recommend that the analysis includes:

  • Identifying learning objectives for the organization.
  • Identifying learner needs.
  • Analysis of existing material and how they align with the learning objectives.
  • Suitable pedagogical models.
  • Assessment of different digital formats.
  • Discussion of knowledge retention.
  • The organization’s view on the use of AI.
  • Feedback and evaluation components.
  • Recommendations for learner engagement and collaboration.

The analysis refers to the organizational level. On a project basis, we can step in at any point to assist with planning and content creation – or to rework your own material if it needs improving.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch – we’re here to help.

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These are areas connected to L&D strategy

Two collegues discussing solutions after training session with our e-learning tools.

Content production

We create content that builds competence, inspires and takes your coworkers or customers to the next level. Offer your learners topics such as onboarding, product orientation, mandatory training and skills development.

Customer onboarding

We install your new platform and move your old world into the new. Naturally, we make sure you’re all set up to manage it and get full use of its potential.

Training & Workshops

Get hands-on with your new product through certified training. Or uncover learning objectives and needs in a facilitating or needs assessment workshop.

Create digital learning yourself

Explore the possibilities with Articulate 360! Start creating digital learning today by using one of the authoring tools built into the suite. And carry on tomorrow by involving your coworkers to comment and contribute.

Your all-in-one AI-supported LMS

Create, organize, distribute and sell digital learning easily with Skillhabit, our AI-supported learning platform. Educate your employees and clients, sell courses to your customers and certify your partners. Skillhabit is easily integrated with existing systems and works on all devices.

Organize on a large scale

We are authorized resellers of Docebo, the award-winning platform for managing and delivering learning at scale. Docebo makes use of AI-intuitive technology to optimize learning paths and adapt to individual learner needs.

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