Branded templates

Do you produce eLearning courses in Articulate Storyline? With a deck of templates aligned with your brand profile, you have the perfect base for building professional-looking courses that are stylish and consistent.
Upcoming enrolment dates – time is always 9-13:
Upcoming enrolment dates:
Purchase information
To create digital content using our branded templates, you need access to Articulate Storyline.
To place your order for branded templates, fill out our form and we’ll be in touch shortly to discuss your needs and so you can share with us your brand guidelines.
TicTac will then present a design proposal and once approved by you, your personalized deck of templates will be ready within a couple of weeks. The delivery will include a video tutorial on how to install the templates in Articulate Storyline.
If you have questions before placing your order, please contact info@tictaclearn.net
If you need training in the Articulate Storyline tool, TicTac offers various training courses.
Product information
Say goodbye to the hassle of starting from scratch. Branded templates for Articulate Storyline make it possible to streamline your creation process – regardless of who is creating the content.
Branding is done according to your brand guidelines. The deck of templates has over 60 different layouts and includes a wide range of content types, such as:
- Chapter pages
- Text pages (text and images, bullet lists, multi-column layouts, video lightbox)
- Interactions (markers, checklists)
- Info pages (tabs, info boxes, processes, slideshows)
- Knowledge checks (single choice, multiple response, true or false, matching)

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