DORA regulation
The English and German versions of this document are legally binding. Translations into other languages are provided for convenience only.
About TicTac Learn and DORA regulation
In some cases, we at TicTac Learn provide our products to companies within the financial sector that are subject to the DORA regulation.
TicTac Learn is not considered a critical ICT third-party service provider, as our products only pertain to learning platform services and our view is that a potential large scale operational failure to provide our products would not create a systematic impact on the stability, continuity or quality of the provision of our customers’ financial services.
Although TicTac Learn is not considered a critical ICT third-party service provider, it is of course important to us that our products are resilient to digital risks and threats and that we, as far as possible, fulfil the requirements of appropriate information security standards under the DORA regulation. We therefore endeavour to, as far as possible, comply with the security requirements imposed by the DORA Regulation on ICT third-party service providers. We do this, among other things, by having achieved ISO 27001 certification due to our work on information security.
Where TicTac Learn is only a reseller of the product in question (for example, in the case of Articulate 360), please be referred to the security information provided by the respective supplier to assess how they fulfil the requirements of appropriate information security standards under the DORA regulation.