Data Processing Agreement Skillhabit

Last updated 20 March 2025

The English and German versions of this document are legally binding. Translations into other languages are provided for convenience only.



Instructions for carrying out the Processing

In addition to what is stated in the DPA, the instructions below shall apply and be observed by the Processor in the performance of the Processing.

The purpose of the Processing

The Processing may only be carried out for the purpose of providing the services set out in the Main Agreement, i.e. mainly for the purpose of providing the cloud-based platform Skillhabit for digital distribution and follow-up of knowledge. The personal data may not be processed or used by the Processor for its own or any other purposes.

Types of processing

The Processor may use the types of Processing of personal data necessary to provide the services set out in the Main Agreement, including registration, organization, storage, alteration, use and/or deletion.

Types of personal data

The Processor may only process the following types of personal data: social security number, name, address, telephone number, employer, educational history. The Processor may also process other personal data if it is necessary to provide the services provided by the Main Agreement.

Categories of data subjects

The Processing shall cover only those categories of Data Subjects provided from time to time by the Controller within the framework of Skillhabit, preferably internal and external users and administrators (as described in the Main Agreement).

The duration of the processing

The personal data shall be deleted by the Processor at the end of the DPA as set out in the DPA. Personal data shall also be deleted by the Processor on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the Controller's written instructions.

Contact information to the Processor's representative

Phone number: +46 40 631 88 30


Approved Sub-Processors

Controller acknowledges and agrees that the Processor engages the following subcontractors in accordance with the second paragraph under section "Hiring of Sub-Processors" of this DPA:

  • Companies that from time to time are part of the group of which the Processor is a member of, provided that such group company is established within the EU/EEA.
  • Skillhabit AB (559287-8879) the platform development company owned by TicTac Group.
  • GleSYS (556647-9241) used as a Subcontractor for server, hosting and back-up.