Safer together
- for associations

How do we ensure that children are safe when they participate in club activities? Well, we provide a free online training course for all leaders they meet.
Save the Children has long been working on creating web training for its volunteers and employees under the name Safer Together. This time, we at TicTac Learn were entrusted to develop a training on the same theme but for a different audience. Focus has been all of Sweden's leaders in club life, from those leading a soccer team to those teaching an instrument or leading a theater group.

The challenge
As a leader, you are an important adult in many children's lives. You need to handle everything from exclusion and conflicts to stress and high performance demands from both children and parents. This can be a lot to consider for someone who may be young and inexperienced themselves.
In working on the training, we needed to find common denominators that applied to as many as possible in our target group. Therefore, we worked hard to find examples that felt relevant to all leaders, regardless of which association they were active within.

The solution

The training was built in Storyline and is hosted on the GO+ platform with both internal and external publishing. This means it's open to all leaders within an association. Just register via the web and then carry out the training.
We also wanted to find a way to engage everyone. The common denominator for everyone in the target group was the desire to develop into really good leaders. We wanted to use this in the training.
To do this, we asked participants to reflect on the values and ideals they would like to represent if they had the chance to lead their own organization, which they also got to name.
Thereafter, leadership cards were distributed to each participant. These cards were gradually filled in during the course, and by the end of the course, each participant had received all the keywords for safe leadership; openness, responsiveness, safety, thoughtfulness, and integrity.
The impact
This training can be used by all of Sweden's associations that want to increase safety for children and leaders within the operation. We are proud to have contributed knowledge on everything from how you as a leader control the physical environment around your participants, to how you act when something feels wrong; whether it involves sexual harassment or managing images on social media.

In my role as a pedagogical expert, I've written about a variety of topics. This one really touched me and I'm so proud to have contributed to a learning solution that, in a playful and engaging way, spreads knowledge about how to contribute as a leader and create safety for children so they can develop and thrive in a safe environment.
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